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adata c801 (maybe fake) please help ,thanks
« : 23 Февраля 2014, 03:40:27 »
Sorry for my English,I am from Turkey

I have a adata c801 8gb (small letter on the flash plastic case but I am find two kind of c801 google in pictures,other one ADATA) .I put the hub and a few times come and go my computer screen then completely gone,I am realize later hubs usb connector is cold solder joint.I am use a lot of tool and messed up chips firmware .I request ADATA web site to online repair but my serial not match then send the fake serial for ORUC801IT8G and I am use but not fix my problem.

Controller Chip : UT165-L48 BA0435 0837 A0A
Vid : 1307 
Pid : 0163
Flash Chip :VDATA VD102P3PC0Q-L1 (H08411) 4 pieces (4x2gb)

I am use MPTool UT165_V1.65.30.0 and search the google about flash chip "flash extractor people says AD D5 14 B6
and I use progskeet for PS3 downgrade before and I am connect one chip then press auto button ,progskeet give me "AD D5 14 B6 44 HYNIX" .If I use this numbers in mptool flash id section mptool status 0x14 and not match maximum device list error.Please help me what tool utility fix the my problem

Оффлайн Anatolij

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Re: adata c801 (maybe fake) please help ,thanks
« Ответ #1 : 24 Февраля 2014, 12:58:49 »
Try this or this.
Re: adata c801 (maybe fake) please help ,thanks
« Ответ #2 : 25 Февраля 2014, 06:11:06 »
Thanks  :) but Kingmax tool is give me windows app crash report %98 other is wait %98  ???

I find the another c801 but 2gb (I am not open inside because not mine but I believe in the same flash chip) I am use two different program for getting chips details.
This flash is AM680 firmware UT165 A0A and vid:125f pid:1036 (adata factory change the vid pid), maybe I am accidently change my vid pid but I don't know how or what tool I am to use.
How can I change back vid pid number .,maybe then adata oru tool recognize  my 8gb flash.UT165 datasheet says flexible vid pid and serial but how can I change these.Sorry for my bad English,Thanks again.