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Kingston DataTraveler DT-111 32GB
« : 03 Декабря 2015, 12:01:48 »
Steps to recover a Kingston DataTraveler DT-111 32GB:
1. see this pinout https://bitbucket.org/flowswitch/phison/wiki/PS2303V and short together pins 26+27
2. meanwhile insert the Kingston usb drive in a short USB 2.0 extension cable (already connected to PC)
3. wait for the system to detect the drive
4. run MPALL_F1_9000_v370_0E.exe as Administrator
5. in MPALL select "Kingston-DT111-32GB.ini" and put a check mark
6. press "Update" and wait until MPAll detect the drive
7. press "Start" and cross your fingers  ;)

Here is the package with MPALL, .INI, burner and firmware: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=99708526162554068442  8)