please little help

Автор hishamqattariah, 25 Марта 2025, 00:09:35

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.


i want the correct program to erase the protection from my flash cause it work fine in the PC but not working on TV

Volume: H:
Controller: Phison PS2311
Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available
Flash ID: 983E99B3 7A72
Chip F/W: 08.22.5D
Firmware Date: 2018-08-27
ID_BLK Ver.:
MP Ver.: MPALL v3.35.42
VID: 0930
PID: 6545
Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product: TransMemory
Query Vendor ID: TOSHIBA
Query Product ID: TransMemory     
Query Product Revision: PMAP
Physical Disk Capacity: 249846300672 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity:  249834766336 Bytes
Internal Tags: 2P6P-SX7L
File System: EXFAT
USB Version: 3.10
Declared Power: 504 mA
ContMeas ID: 8902-02-00
Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Build 19045
Program Version: