re-activate USB flash drive with SMI controller

Автор mightyEx, 08 Октября 2014, 00:52:15

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Hello there,

I have a corrupted 32GB USB flash drive marked as "Spaceloop by CnMemory". Chipgenius can only read vid, pid, device name and device revision. I disassambled the stick to look at the controller chip. I could retrieve the following informations:

controller chip:

manufacturer: SMI

1st line: 1232
2nd line: SM3257EN Q AA
3rd line: SY3439. 1
4th line: TW 9B

The flash drive has two memory chips (I think 2x 16GB). I can't identify anything on them.

On BIOS POST the stick answers (with activity light on) after some seconds with:

SMI USB DISK 1100 HighSpeed 2.x (the addition "HighSpeed..." seems to be from BIOS).

Vendor and product ID: VID_090C&PID_1000

chipgenius info:

device name: USB DISK
device revision: 1100

controller manufacturer: SMI Silicon Motion Inc.

I hope anyone can give me a clue to re-activate this "frankenstein" ;) . I have a little hope because the controller is responding. Thanks for help.



Thanks for your reply. I tried different programs like Transcend JetFlash OnLineRecovery, UFDFormat and so on but with no success.

As I'm beeing persistent on trying to re-activate this flash drive I've tested a version of MPTool.

Found here:

First there was no sucess in getting a connection to the drive. Then I noticed that there is a factory driver for SMI in a subdirectory of the package (UFD_MP\FactoryDriver). Installed the driver and got a connection with MPTool - yesss (but only the first step).

So now it looks like the attached picture (MPTool.jpg).

Information from text Window:

ISP Version :     110311-AA-

Flash size was detected correctly (32GB). In the column "FLASH" MPTool shows "TOSHIBA".

Double click on 1st field (with the blue square) -> attachment "dialog.jpg"

OK, what to do next?


I've tested a newer version of MPTool with newer factory driver. Got the following infos.


Go to the Settings (password 320), set normal values ​​(eg Шпацелоп instead of №#%Ъ"@~E^) and try to Start.

DrUFD and Silicon Power RecoverTool also tried? is simply


Tried DrUFD and Silicon Power Recover Tool with no success.

MP Tool is now working. Had to set one value to "erase all" because first attempt failed. Now it seems to be working. I Think it will work for hours because write speed as known from working state was about 0,7 MB/s. That's about 13 hours if complete memory is beeing erased.


It seems I had no luck to get this thing to work  :'( . I think I had the right tool but not the right values. The controller is responding with vid & pid but I can't connect anymore not even with factory driver. OK, I think it's finished but if anyone has an idea, I would appreciate.


Probably the same.  I had mine open and there are two c-clips, one to hold each shaft.  There is a little play, but very little.  I think about 1/8 give or take a little, maybe up to a 1/4 but no more than that.