My friend have a same version ut165+29f64g08camdb (l63b)
Speed is read 30 and write 12
I remove ut165 and change it by ite1167b
And mp again and use 480ma and in mp chashe one
Beive or not write speed now 23mb!!!
Why you remove the nand? You broked the band
Id--00--00 this mean in opening flash cover you bricked the name
Used wire or not?
Report again with flash extractor with no use wire
помогите идентифицировать детальку. Какой номинал сопротивления. У меня в этой детальке дырка. Видно с одной стороны цифру «1», с другой «5». Флешка не определяется. Когда кинул перемычку напрямую с разъема на контроллер (как показано выше) флешка определилась без памяти.
Before insert to pc connect gnd+led left side to go boot mode
If read old comments you will learn
This flash is very elegance
In opening do not force to remove chip
Just controller is a live
You just clean flash and mp again don't need to open flash
Next time be carefully
Flash I'd is 00. This meain band flash is hardwary dead
Speed is read 30 and write 12
I remove ut165 and change it by ite1167b
And mp again and use 480ma and in mp chashe one
Beive or not write speed now 23mb!!!
ITE pin to pin used Same dataset
Id--00--00 this mean in opening flash cover you bricked the name
Used wire or not?
Report again with flash extractor with no use wire
Your flash is hanged
Connect 29+30 band pin before insert
You cab read old my comment in flash
downgraded flash
smart scan lov level
ecc 12
ecc =12
capacity optimize
max disk size