alcor mp 13.02.5

use chipgnuis for report controller but nand is 24bit ecc so au6990 is your ic
nand is brocked sorry
try on uptool 2092h
i cant trust 2093
in last uptool support 1e0

but new 2268 is 1e2 or 1e6
so i think you undrstand why uptool give you «cant isp found»

so fix that and say result
look this

OS Version: Win XP

MP Version: 2.093 (2015.01.14)

PC Name: []

DUT Slot: 1

Driver: G

IC Type: 1E-2

ISP Type: 1

F-Slot: 1
copy and paste in code.ini

new 2268 hardware model is 1e2 or 1e6
first in report see ic model 1e2?

uptool support old 2268 but if you add line can be fixed
[0x1E-2-0] // UP25AA — MLC
FWCode0=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (30) non-T19 D2 Block
FWCode1=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (30) T19 eD2
FWCode2=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (30) T24/32 non-T19 D2 PageMode
FWCode3=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (3B) B74A
FWCode4=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (3B) B74A Page/Skip
FWCode5=226X-D2FW-141031-FASTRN-SVN946.bin ;// Full Block mode
FWCode6=226X-D2FW-141024-PBA-SVN909.BIN ;// PBA
FWCode7=226X-D2FW-141016-SVN884-CB.bin ;// CopyBack
FWCode8=226X-D2FW-140916-MULTIWRITE-SVN791.bin ;// MultiWrite mode
FWCode9=226X-D2FW-140916-FASTRNMULTIWRITE-SVN791.bin ;// MultiWrite mode+FastRN
  • hasan64
  • 0
i use UPTool_Ver2093(Release)_20150312 but after 1:55:09 time ERROR code plz help
  • hasan64
  • 0
my toshiba with sss controller flash id is 0000 ?????

1-in 90% 5volt fuse Destroyed by car mp3 player or other shock

find 5 volt is easy behind the connector u see burn place
find and solder wire and reconect it

also dp and dp is pached

2-if dp dm and 5 volt is ok,but flash still not connect

read old my articles to see ROM CODE MODE


Мне нужна Win7_x32 и x64 на флешке, как сделать их через Бутлер?
No need lab!!!
Just change controller and flash starts

Easy way?

Use multimeter check 5volt fuse?
If not safe?
Chabge fuse
If controller very hot?
Change controller

Data still in nand memory
In 80% just change controllet
in almost 70% PcB is Brocked and nand pin is unplugeed
so if controller cant recive any data input out put
lose a firmware

a good way first do hotair and test controler pinout
good luck
your well com
Thank you very much, everything turned out!!!
copy this text to mp.ini in mpall folder

IC Type=PS2251-03
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB PID=0x5200
String Product Name=USB DISK 3.0
String Manufacturer Name=usb
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
Do Preformat Test=1
Volume Label=USB DISK
Burner Erase All=1
Wafer Erase All=1
Burner File=BN03V114M.BIN
Firmware Name=FW03FF01V10810M.BIN
i mark red pin

connect by one Piece wire
connect to pc
ofter five second remove wire

and do firmware again
read only mode

this mean you cant go to boot mode

your flash must first go firmware 1.1.10
every flash have 2 firmware

boot mode (rome code mode)
nand firmware

you must go to boot mode

have a 2 way

software mode (use drive com)
or connect gnd +led left side

or close controller pin

read my old articles