If Data is so Important

to day we have one 2gig silicon power dammeged by droping by hand

in this case we have hardware problem «pcb flash io is unploged»

And we have a 255 error =id 00 00 00 00

but data is so important i decide to chane Pcb But 2232 64pin is so hard to move other pcb

is so small pin but i do it 10 years i work with hardware like this

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now me moved and soldring be full definitude

I am not robot but after 30 min install true controller
now clean the nan flash broken side and resoldring an new pcb

after all we have the flash and data

Pqi ,Silicon Power ,Some kingstone (Ex 32g controller in the flash connctor 2232+4 mlc lga flash)

have a Weak Pcb

so if have a problem white not detect flash id

we must frist of all

open the flash case and check nand flah

in my case after Full Extract nand i see the broken IO

some people think Problem Alwayse is software and Try Mp Tools
but we must Know 50% Have a Hardware problem.

Thank you all

and plase ,Plase

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