Hi again
In smi ,And Alcor Find Firmware is so Easy
This Company Publish to people to ReFirmware HIm Flash
We can use recover tool or . recovery file («c:\windows\temp\smi»)
But In Phison Is so Hard But To Day i Show To You Lets go
Example phison 2251-03 Firmware
And In Final I Put The New Firmware
14 комментариев
2-Spdownloader Detect 13fe 5200 and Download the Phison225103.exe
3-Download the Resource Tuner for Extract the Exe File
in EXterApp(this Mean Extrnal Applocation) have same file
I Save All And open one by one by note pad And Extract it
الصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسالين
Look that
IC Type=PS2251-03
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB PID=0x5200
String Product Name=Silicon-Power128
String Manufacturer Name=UFD 3.0
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
File System 1=2
Do Preformat Test=1
Volume Label=SP UFD U3
Burner Erase All=1
Burner File=BN.BIN
Firmware Name=FW.BIN
I DO Seeting You Just Select 03TLC.ini for tlc or 03MLc.ini Good luck
контроллер PHISON 2251-03 чип памяти Toshiba TH58TEG7T2JBA4C (тип-TLC), в настройках программы выбирать ini-файл
VID = 13FE PID = 5200
Phison PS2251-03(PS2303)
Toshiba TC58NVG7T2JTA00 [TLC-8K]
flashboot.ru/files/file/446/PHISON MPALL 3.63 new Firmware.zip