also i have team group flash 2gb phison 2251-38 and some emmc nand 2gb
why team group used 4channel controller for 2GB .i cant undrstand
and pcb is un un usabled
becuase just emmc and dont have a tsop 48 pin
so i extract the controler from PCB
ok in final
we undrstand crystal controler pcb «2232-2233-2238» is same and we can use 1channel «2237-2239»
free crystal same model is «2260-2250-2261-2267-2268»
— in alcor all version pcb is mach
example you can change au6986 by au6998sn
you dont need «n»version install crystal
— in ite also 1165-1167-1167b-1169-1176 is same
— in smi like 2 model
crystal need (3255-3254-325ac-- is same)
free crystall model (3257-3257en-enba -enlt is same
12 комментариев
one from taiwan
why team group used 4channel controller for 2GB .i cant undrstand
and pcb is un un usabled
becuase just emmc and dont have a tsop 48 pin
so i extract the controler from PCB
i loking for Good Flash Board
in phison site say 2251-38,2251-33,2251-32 is pin to pin Compatible
for undrstand is pcb support dual channel or interleaved?
finaly found in flash extractor
in last picture from flash extractor used 2233 and t58nvg8d2ela20 *2 (used pcb for 64GB )
so lets start…
extract old tdk for used flash board
controller pin is so small
i remove the Between connection with wire
mpal 3.63+fw 2.06.10 (some people write firmware as FW38FF01V30610M.BIN but real is FW38FF01V2
in tera copy up to 22 mb
i test in win xp 32bit
ok in final
we undrstand crystal controler pcb «2232-2233-2238» is same and we can use 1channel «2237-2239»
free crystal same model is «2260-2250-2261-2267-2268»
— in alcor all version pcb is mach
example you can change au6986 by au6998sn
you dont need «n»version install crystal
— in ite also 1165-1167-1167b-1169-1176 is same
— in smi like 2 model
crystal need (3255-3254-325ac-- is same)
free crystall model (3257-3257en-enba -enlt is same
good luck…