2251-07 98 3a a8 92 76 50 become suffer

First of all i fu..ng hate a phison company
this company give nothing for 2251-33 for 32nm flash (we just 7.2 for 43nm tc58nvg5d2eta20 and 43 nm
tlc tc58nvgt2eta20)
we lost too many patriot exporter(225-33 and hynix 32nm)
thank god to maxell give update for 2251-38 (fw38v020610.m) and give nothing about 4k memory
and also we lost to many patriot rage 16gb (slc 4k) and 32gb mlc 4k
but in the now
after 3 years of become 2251-07 we cant firmware <19nm
98 3a a8 92 76 50 is toshiba a19 tlc «PEST » too many people have a write Protection problem
i fix the 19nm toggle tlc with 1.1.53 but A19 nm is diffrend
14 комментариев
have FW07V50253TW.BIN
i open log file
this file for ED3 tlc
look that
this log file some asshole think can pass this firmware for ed3
— MP\F1\AFD6\
MP_7f00_05.03.0a,17-5-2016 15:33:42s, Drive: G,R/W= 0%,Test Time:-130851, Time taken: 225.5 seconds, Capacity: 65536, Serial Number: 7F00651FA1AFD600,7F00651F84AFD601, Flash Number: 1,UIDeviceIndex=3,
Firmware Version: 5.02.53, Status: PASS, ISP Mode: 0x18, [CS]:0x791F2CA1
this is mp.ini
IC Type=PS2251-07
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB PID=0x5500
String Product Name=USB DISK 3.0
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
Preformat Target Capacity=14500
Do Preformat Test=1
Volume Label=USB DISK
Burner Erase All=1
Wafer Erase All=1
Burner File=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\New Folder\BN07V502TAW.BIN
Firmware Name=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\New Folder\FW07V50253TW.BIN
have a you know phison for ed3 14.4G? ok
in preformat i do same
98 DE 98 92 72 D7 ---1.1.53 ok! 19nm tlc toggle
98 3A A8 92 76 D7 1.1.53 ok 19nm tlc die size 16gb
and >=19 nm MLC like 98 DE 94 93 76 D7 1.2.10 ok
but in large capacity phison alwayes use the 98 3a a8 92 76 50
in last
shame of toshiba
in years toshiba use a19 tlc in SSD !!!!??
good luck
but to day just update ony isp And Dont clean nand in uptool
put this line in mp.ini
FWCode0=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (30) non-T19 D2 Block
FWCode1=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (30) T19 eD2
FWCode2=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (30) T24/32 non-T19 D2 PageMode
FWCode3=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (3B) B74A
FWCode4=226X-D2FW-141031-SVN947.bin ;// (3B) B74A Page/Skip
FWCode5=226X-D2FW-141031-FASTRN-SVN946.bin ;// Full Block mode
FWCode6=226X-D2FW-141024-PBA-SVN909.BIN ;// PBA
FWCode7=226X-D2FW-141016-SVN884-CB.bin ;// CopyBack
FWCode8=226X-D2FW-140916-MULTIWRITE-SVN791.bin ;// MultiWrite mode
FWCode9=226X-D2FW-140916-FASTRNMULTIWRITE-SVN791.bin ;// MultiWrite mode+FastRN
new 2268 hardware model is 1e2 or 1e6
first in report see ic model 1e2?
uptool support old 2268 but if you add line can be fixed
OS Version: Win XP
MP Version: 2.093 (2015.01.14)
PC Name: []
DUT Slot: 1
Driver: G
IC Type: 1E-2
ISP Type: 1
F-Slot: 1
but new 2268 is 1e2 or 1e6
so i think you undrstand why uptool give you «cant isp found»
so fix that and say result
i cant trust 2093