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not-voted vote-nobuttons ">


i found 1 flash like yours! flash chip name is Hynix H27UCG8T2MYR [MLC-8K]
use that AlcorMP_12.02.13.03
have sandisk Samsung tlc and all new flash memory new chp
i Modifid and created Sm32XX And All isp and frim ware if you wan it tell me to upload it that is 45 Mega Byte!
this flash use phison chip PMAP is phison Frimware! Use Phison mpall 2.29 or phison up19
OnLineRecovery_v1.0.0.23.exe this is file name and you may search in the google
use jet flash online recovery
this is Hard! ok !
If you run In my Way step by Step in video flie you can do it _and You Flash Version not Deffrind!!! ok i see that your sending picture ps2250 and i repiared for many time!!!
I Show You Easy Way and You Cant Did It, I say to you i fix the phison 2250 for many time !use «Phison_PS2251_UP19_CTool_v2.08B3» i no you cant RE Frimwared by Mpall Program, Mpall so hard For You!!!

if you dont do that!!! plase type your flash memory name and i help you for sample «SAmsung K9gag08um»
and finaly i help you to fix that !thank you
we used wire to help phison 2250 to show drive letter after show plase cut the wire if you wach video file you see that this very easy way! not so hard Man!
i am talking easy to you _after connect to pc ,you show drive letter in 3 or 5 second ,After show cut the wire! after CUT THE WIRE run phison up 19!!! if you not UNDRSTAND im sending Video File for YOU!
you must after 4 second cut the wire!!! this electronic shock for 3 or 5 second if you not cut this up19 cant find memory chip

frist connect vcc(+5) to phison 12st pin this way help flash to wake up and show drive leter in my computer after see
drive letteryou bracke the yellow sim and run phison up19 for 2250 ic if your ic 2261 use up21 or up22
conect 2 base and plug to computer after 3 second breake it
this flash frimware is crupted you must connect vcc(+5 volt ) to phison 12 st pin (top of u1 typed ) and plug to computer and show yo ps2250 after show drive in my computer you may breake the connection and run phison up19 and re framware it! I do it for 25 time and worked if you not undrstan i send you picture