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not-voted vote-nobuttons ">
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not-voted vote-nobuttons ">
After erase all replug flash
Go setting
Low level
Ecc 30
Auto 2plane +bin 1
in dyna downgraded tools i cant retrun any file
this firmware in downgraded mp tools
capacity optimize
low level
ecc =30
in downgraded flash is very danger to copy important file
good luck
we use Uptool For erase old Firmware
90 Cob Flash is normal
so must be firmware in Mpall
for 2251-07 use mpall 3.72 and we have firmware for 2207 1.02.10 1.1.53
To Get the Rom Code Mode (Skip From flash Hang) connect GNd to Led + side
This Mean Silicon Power Used UPTool_Ver2089(Release)
For Normal Flash Used Mpall Example 1.08.10,1.08.53,1.08.56,1.08.24
For Downgraded Flash Programmed In Uptool 1.08.30,
Speed Is Read 40 Write 18Mb In Usb 3
downgraded in Smi
Also SMi HAve A normal Program= SmXXtest.exe (you see in tester debug)«V 2.5.31» or «2.5.18» or «2.5.36»
and Dyna Downgraded Tool you see in tester debug date «131023» or othere date
in Alcor Downgraded Flash Firmware Version is «FF00» Force Firmware (capacity Mode )
in Phison XX.XX.10 is normal MLC XX.XX.30 is downgrade MLC
note 2:
Apacer CoB Normal Flash
2251-68 + toshiba A19 MLC normal nand firmware =1.02.10 Read Speed :23 Write Speed is 13 (Speed Optimize )
Philips 8GB
2251-68 +Toshiba Downgraded A19 6d2DDk A19 19NM Firmware 1.02.30 Read is :17 Write is «7» (Capacity Optimize )
Downgraded Nand Cant Firmware By Speed Optimize because havent well quality
in Final (Team group ,Silicon power ,Verico And almost Big Brand Use Downgraded Flash
Havent Any quality and Danger To be Copy family picture or movie or any important File
this is A Big treason to The People
people care about him data but Company Care About A Money
Good Luck
Nand Flash Is Safe And Maked In Phison Company (Tf57g) 19Nm DDR Toggle 2Ce Flash
90MB Read 30Mb Wrie
Firmwared In Standard Phison Mpall Program (FC1 And Fc2 (Quality Control Have A OK!)
Lests To Undrstand Step By Step
Example :Tishiba or sandsik make Nand Flash (TC58nvg6d2ja20)
Before Sale to Market Must Be Tested By (FC or ROHS Standad)
some Nand Have Problem «BadBlock Over Normal Or LitoGraphic Problem»
so Tohiba and sandisk Never Destroyed the bad nand They Scratch Brand Name And sale to Black Marketing as low price
Example 2:
Orginal tc58nvg6D2jta00 orginal toshiba brand is 12~yuan
downgraded tc58nvg6D2jta00 is 3~4 Yuan
80 % Flash Memory Price Is nand
After 2012 Silicon Power 100% Used DownGraded Nand in usb 2
But To Day Silicon Power Marvel M50 Usb 3 Also Is Now DownGraded
Lest Show To You
re firware again
Hp Formater
Panasonic Sd formater
Disk Management
And All Format Tools Using Firmware In Your Flash
So If H.d.d Low Level Fix It ???After 2 Day Write Protect Again
So Just Use «UPTool_Ver2091(Release)_20141010»
Frist Clean All
To Erase All data And Mbr
Go setting
Low Level Format
Scan type :Full scan only
Ecc :0
Usb power =200 mA
in second use getinfo for flash id Example «98 de 98 92»
use mpall 3.60
so must use new controller to support this
2251-61 ,2251-67 ,2251-60,2251-68
ite 1170
and alcor 6989ab -sn
and do mp and use the capacity from micro sd
Good luck
One Nand have Input output pin 0-7 Io 0 -Io 1 and…
Gnd (Ground)
1.8 v+
3.30 v+
Have 1 controller (Example smi sm22XX) And have Nand(example tc58nvg6t2jta20 98 de 98 92)
after dammaged Nand Some Company Buy it and Use the nand
Why? And What The Way used Nand from micro sd
look that
وقتی uptool بازه
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