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Repair new Silicon power (SM3257 ENBA)


In New Year Silicon power Moved to 3257ENBA

silicon power use dyna mptool to Framewared

but after Crashed

We cant repair it

we must open the flash cover and install some (SB can use wire )

in picture write on table what can we do?

For Example

if flash id is (98 de 94 82) toshiba 24nm Mlc 8k

Sb8=Close (use wire to connect pins)

and after install wire

use www.upantool.com/liangchan/SMI/2014/4735.html to Fix The device

Test Toggle Nand memory


In old Articles We know For Make Ultra speed Flash We Need Multi Channel Suport Controller and More Then 1 Flash


Patriot Rage Xt 16=Phison 2251-38 +Micron L74 *2
JetFlash V600=Au6989n +Micron L74 *2
JetFlash V620=Au6990+Hynix 2Ce 32Nm Mlc8K *2
Adata C903 Ite 1167b+Intel L74 *2

So In All Flash Read ~30 And write ~18

But! But!

After 2013 Alcor In New Models Dont Support Multi Channel

I see The New Alcor Pcb in 6999sn Channel H Is Un Used

After Lose Large Capacity


some time

You Chane fuse And Use All way but Controller is Hot So REal DEAD!

But is 16G or More!!!

What Can WE Do?

In my case

I have 2250+hynix 26nm mlc *2=16 gig
and i lust the controller

i Extract the good memory frome Dead flash And Used to Another

Or Buy On 2gig Flash And Chane Nand Flash To Re Use My Capacity

In This Case I but Silicon power 2gig sm3257en+(sandisk pest )

Before Look The Silicon power nand I Exract And Install my 16 gig Nand memory in new Pcb